OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Difference Feature

Used to subtract the volume of one or more solids from another solid. Where more than two solids are to be subtracted, and you are selecting the solids individually, you may perform additional Boolean subtractions in a single operation. That is, after selecting the first solid to be subtracted, you then can select further solids to be subtracted from the original.

This same tool can be used to subtract part of a solid back to an intersecting surface.

Keep Original Lets you define whether any of the original solids are retained in the model.
  • None — None of the original solids are kept in the model.
  • All — All of the original solids are kept in the model.
  • First — Only the first solid selected is kept in the model.
  • Last — Only the last solid selected is kept in the model.
Note: You may subtract solids from one another, even if they do not intersect. If you later modify the dimensions such that the “separate” solids would have intersected, the subtraction is honored.

A: Before subtracting the individual solid on the left from that on the right. | B: The result of the subtraction (the subtracted solid “disappears” and is shown dashed). | C: If later modification to the remaining solid means that the original solids would have intersected, the subtraction is honored.